2025-2026 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato Pledge Form

We need your generous support so that we can budget in a way that is both realistic and aspirational to maintain and expand our beloved UUFM community.

It costs over $300,000 a year to provide programming, staff, and the space where we gather. Our goal, in the long run, is to meet 100% of our operating costs with pledged income in order to achieve a balanced budget.

We deeply appreciate your support for our community regardless of the amount given. Every pledge, every gift is welcome, needed, and deeply appreciated.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato has celebrated its 70th year proving we are resilient and capable of adapting to the “new normal” of 2025 and beyond! This pledge season is a time to reflect on the role UUFM plays in your life and a time to renew your commitment to the ongoing care of our beloved church community.

A pledge of any size will be gratefully received and enable us to plan, reestablish programs, and live out our mission in new and exciting ways. The pandemic and life in general have not treated us all equally. Your generosity can help support other members who are not able to give as freely, and such kindness empowers us all.

Please select one option.
Consider signing up for Electronic Payments Using Breeze (optional)

After clicking the Submit button at the bottom of this page, you will be presented with the option to sign up for automated electronic pledge payments, which we highly recommend.

If you have questions or need assistance with electronic pledges or other electronic donations, please contact Office Administrator Shelly Storm at uumankato@gmail.com or treasurer Liz Kipp at kipp.elizabeth086@gmail.com.


We need your generous support so that we can budget in a way that is both realistic and aspirational to maintain and expand our beloved UUFM community.

It costs over $300,000 a year to provide programming, staff, and the space where we gather. Our goal, in the long run, is to meet 100% of our operating costs with pledged income in order to achieve a balanced budget.

We deeply appreciate your support for our community regardless of the amount given. Every pledge, every gift is welcome, needed, and deeply appreciated.