2025-2026 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato Pledge Form
We need your generous support so that we can budget in a way that is both realistic and aspirational to maintain and expand our beloved UUFM community.
It costs over $300,000 a year to provide programming, staff, and the space where we gather. Our goal, in the long run, is to meet 100% of our operating costs with pledged income in order to achieve a balanced budget.
We deeply appreciate your support for our community regardless of the amount given. Every pledge, every gift is welcome, needed, and deeply appreciated.
We need your generous support so that we can budget in a way that is both realistic and aspirational to maintain and expand our beloved UUFM community.
It costs over $300,000 a year to provide programming, staff, and the space where we gather. Our goal, in the long run, is to meet 100% of our operating costs with pledged income in order to achieve a balanced budget.
We deeply appreciate your support for our community regardless of the amount given. Every pledge, every gift is welcome, needed, and deeply appreciated.